Looks like he was up working late again. Notice the training binders on the desk in the background... Time to step it up and bring some productivity to this organization.
Posing in the North Carolina Tarheels sweater from Deb and Mark...
Here are a couple shots of Alvin in his PJs hanging out with Molly...
Go Blue!!!
We had Dad, Jamie, Christy, Austin and Ashley over to the house the other day for dinner (and a friendly dart competition). Alvin was pretty happy to see everyone and apparently playing with Uncle Jamie is tiring because he fell asleep twice while Jamie was holding him.
And in case anyone is wondering who won the dart game... Sorry Dad and Jamie, Christy and I will take it easy on you next time.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The boy sure likes hanging out with TJ Bearytales. "Bartender... another round of formula and perhaps some applesauce or peaches for my friend here."
Grandma and Granpa Lauer came by the house a while back to deliver Alvin's new toy chest. Grandpa made it himself and was able to match the stain to the rest of the bedroom furniture. As you can see, Alvin is pretty impressed (so is his father) and we all appreciate the time and effort spent to make this special chest for our new home. THANKS GRANDPA!